December 7, 2018

How to (really!) enjoy the Christmas season more with your kids this year!

It’s never too late (or too early) to start celebrating the true meaning of Christmas with your preschooler! At  Truro Church and at all Anglican churches, we believe observing advent is a way to help us do that against all odds. Advent is “a season observed in many Christian churches as a time of expectant […]

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November 19, 2018

Best 5 Habits for Preschoolers: Tricia Tabb

Fiona sent me an email asking me if I would consider writing a blog article for TPK of the Best 5 habits to start with your preschooler. I replied to her, “pondering….when is it due?” I was packing for a two week trip to care for our grandchildren in South Carolina. I turned to my […]

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April 13, 2018

Right brain/left brain development: Why play is the foundation for learning

Most of our TPK families have heard us talk about “developmental learning” and about how play is the foundation of what we do. Here’s an article we wanted to share with you about brain development and how play sets the stage for academic learning. (See it at the original source.)   Did you know that […]

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February 16, 2018

Helping our children to love well

The Bible tells us that we were made by love and for love. God lives in perfect love within himself, within the Trinity, and out of the fullness of God’s triune being and perfect love he created people in His image. We are also to live in love, to share in the experience of loving […]

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February 8, 2018

Helping your child develop healthy self-esteem

Healthy Self Esteem is important. Children who feel good about themselves are better set for success socially and academically. Healthy self-esteem helps children gain in confidence, face challenges, enjoy successes and cope with disappointments or mistakes.   Give your children choices: While we desire our children to follow directions and this is an important skill […]

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January 19, 2018

Organizing your home… while you have kids in it.

As I sat down to write this post, I decided that, before I started dispensing my ideas about organizing kid’s stuff, I should probably do a little research and see what others out there in the blogosphere were thinking and writing about. Some people were all about organizing on a tight budget; others were ready […]

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October 6, 2017

A Love like God’s Love: Every Body is a Gift

God wants us to know Him and His love, and to share that love with the rest of the world through our lives and the way we choose to live them. During the first few weeks of Chapel, we’ve used a popular hand signal to start teaching a simple, yet incredibly important truth, the truth […]

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September 22, 2017

How much does your 2-year-old really understand?

Everyone has heard of the ‘terrible two’s’ so when my firstborn, Jonah, sailed through the first half of the two’s stage without much fanfare I was very much relieved. But then his sister was born. And we started potty training. His preschool his teacher said that he was ‘squawking’ instead of using his words. Let’s […]

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September 8, 2017

It’s back to school time! How to make your transition smooth.

A new normal has begun for your child. A new class, new friends, new teachers and a new routine. It can initially feel overwhelming for you and for  your child. We want to acknowledge that these first few weeks can be hard and want to offer some support by sharing a few things that we […]

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May 12, 2017

“Mooooooom, I’m boooooooored!” (Summer activities for you and your kids!)

I’m bored! This is the dreaded statement we sometimes hear from our kids when they’re home, and while we didn’t have half as many choices growing up as it seems our children do when it comes to things to do, sometimes it seems like they run out of things to do faster. Being bored is actually […]

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11

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