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April 4, 2020

Helping to Grow Your Preschooler’s Attention Span

Like me, I am sure that you have had some moments in the past few weeks to come to some realizations about yourself.  I have realized that the reason I have not cleaned out the basement has nothing to do with time.  I’m cleaning more than I ever have before, and I still don’t like […]

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March 30, 2020

Fostering Independence in Our Kids

I am sitting down to write this blog looking back to the things I did well – and the errors I made as I raised my own children. Much of this blog will be responding to the errors I made, having the benefit of reflection now that they are grown. I am simply sharing basic […]

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March 27, 2020

Why won’t my child just listen to me?

We are two weeks into the new routine: no school, no church, no friends over, no toilet paper. I am feeling a little overwhelmed by the loss of schedule, the never ending list of things I don’t want to do, the feelings of guilt that I should be doing “everything”… and on it goes. I […]

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March 20, 2020

Talking to Your Kids about Coronavirus

By now, your kids have certainly figured out that the routine has changed. With school out for a little while, and most of us distancing ourselves from social activities for our own health and that of others, nothing is the way it was even a week ago. You may be wondering how to explain the […]

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March 19, 2020

Learning at Home: Creating a Schedule for Your Family

In my home today, we are all working from home: my husband is on telework, I’m working on things for the Preschool while we’re closed, and our sixth grader is suddenly homeschooling. And we are trying to figure out how to make it all work. It’s a process right now, but our homeschooling friends have […]

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February 28, 2020

A Teacher’s Perspective: How Being A Teacher Is Making Me A Better Mom

We started a series called “A Teacher’s Perspective” to share the thoughts of our TPK team with you. This week, Jessie Mallett has written about her journey as a teacher and a mom. She teaches our 2 1/2’s class, the youngest group in our school.    How Being A Teacher Is Making Me A Better […]

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February 7, 2020

A Teacher’s Perspective: Teaching about Love

We blog on a regular basis on many differing topics related to raising preschoolers. I am glad to start a new mini series of blogs called “A Teacher’s Perspective”. You will enjoy hearing perspectives and nuggets of wisdom from different teachers in our building and on a variety of subjects. We are kicking off this week […]

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January 24, 2020

Not another snow day… What can I do with my kids today??

Moms, have you ever watched the snow fall outside, knowing you were going to have your kids home from school, and wondered how you were going to keep them occupied? Us too. It takes a little more creativity to think of ways to keep your children productively busy in the winter… so here are some […]

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January 10, 2020

New Years’ Resolutions…no, Vision for my family for the New Year

It’s that time again…resolution time.  You may have already made and broken some and are ready to give up again but let me encourage you to think some more. I also want you to think about recasting resolutions into a vision for your year or at least goals for the year. The concept of resolutions […]

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November 8, 2019

What to Know About Parent Teacher Conferences

Our Parent Teacher Conference days are coming up! In today’s blog post, we wanted to tell you three things we think you need to know about conferences.   Arrive with some time to spare! Factor in some margin so you can arrive, check your child into the childcare provided here, and get to your child’s […]

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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11

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